Ship O'Hoi

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Ship O'Hoi is like the Airbnb of the ocean. With ambitions to become the largest boat-sharing service in the Nordic region, they have in a short time expanded into new markets and proved that their vision is fully possible.

We were hired to develop their new website in Webflow.

Ship O'Hoi is a startup, and therefore they rely on flexible and scalable solutions that can grow in tandem with them. A major focus of this project was therefore to develop a website that can be expanded quickly and easily, and that is flexible enough to be able to keep up with the journey for years to come.

By combining thoughtful and flexible structures with Webflow's CMS, we've made it super easy for Ship O'Hoi to publish new articles and even full landing pages that maintain their visual identity. The templates are also carefully laid out so that their content team can easily maintain top-notch SEO.

Ship O'Hoi will conquer the world with its new boat sharing service. To do that, they rely on having their content available in multiple languages. Leveraging the power of Webflow Localization, Webflow's own translation tool, we have set up a system that allows Ship O'Hoi to quickly expand the website with multiple languages.

Ship O'Hoi

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