Execu are experts in management. They help organizations develop even better leaders and leadership teams. They have a large and impressive portfolio, and also run their own podcast on management; namely Lederpodden.
Execu reached out to us as they wanted to elevate the website's expression, as well as to find a better way to convey their services and customer bases.
At the beginning of the process, we worked closely with Execu to understand their target audience and services. We took what we found and drafted proposals for a new layout of the website; a simplified structure that presents your services in a more effective and engaging way.
Execu targets businesses, and portfolio material and customer stories play a central role in Execu's new website. This combined with a thoughtful structure of CTA elements, has given Execu's website a big boost.
Other projects
We have developed a new website and identity for the Leadership Program, which effectively conveys the program's unique offerings through careful strategy and design work.
Lederprogrammet (The Leadership Program) is an exclusive 12-week hybrid leadership development program specifically tailored for busy executives with fully packed calendars.
In developing the Leadership Program's new website and identity, the main focus has been to create a platform that manages to convey the program's rich and unique content in a clear and clear manner, and that contributes to greater engagement.
In collaboration with ANTI on identity and design, we have developed Appfarm's new website in Webflow.
Appfarm is a development platform that allows you to build custom applications - completely without coding. ANTI has been responsible for identity and design, and we have developed their new website in Webflow.
Marketplace has a large portfolio of website platforms. We have assisted with design and development.
Marketplace has a large portfolio of over 20 online platforms that drive data-driven and performance-based marketing. We have assisted with the design and development of their services.
The work has included complex integrations towards their lead and affiliate systems, as well as the development of landing pages and registration systems.
Confex is Scandinavia's leading course provider. We have designed and developed their website and identity, as well as partner portals.
Confex is Scandinavia's leading course provider and has trained over 500,000 executives and employees over 25 years in the industry. They operate in both the private and public sectors and are known for their wide range of courses spanning diverse disciplines and format.
In an era where digital presence is more critical than ever, Confex recognized the need to revitalize its online identity and user experience to better meet the needs of its customers and partners.
Ship O'Hoi
Ship O'Hoi is like the Airbnb of the ocean. With ambitions to become the largest boat-sharing service in the Nordic region, they have in a short time expanded into new markets and proved that their vision is fully possible.
Ship O'Hoi is like the Airbnb of the ocean. With ambitions to become the largest boat-sharing service in the Nordic region, they have in a short time expanded into new markets and proved that their vision is fully possible.
We were hired to develop their new website in Webflow.
Fullstakk is a Growth Marketing agency that turns digital marketing into a growth machine. We have helped them with the design and development of a new website in Webflow.
Fullstakk is a growth agency in Torggata in Oslo that assists with consulting within marketing. They are clunkers at conversion optimization, organic search, advertising and content production. In addition, they are also very nice people!